Massage. Bodywork. Astrology. Wellness.

Marie Powers LMT

Providing Holistic Massage, Ashiatsu Barefoot Bodywork and Astrology Readings in Greenfield MA

My Services


Restorative Holistic Massage


a person getting a massage by a Massage Therapist
a person getting a massage by a Massage Therapist

This hands-on therapeutic massage is for the burnt out and exhausted who are in need of some rejuvenation. Pressure is light to medium and includes hot towels and an optional hot stone or cupping treatment. Energy healing is also optional which may include sound healing modalities.

60min - $100
75min - $115
90min - $130


Ashiatsu Barefoot Bodywork


In the Japenese language “Ashi” translates to foot and “Atsu” into pressure. Ashiatsu Bodywork, is a barefoot massage technique in which the therapist delivers deep, broad, consistent pressure while utilizing their feet and body weight. Working with gravity instead of against it, Ashiatsu provides a deep tissue massage without pain that you don't need to recover from.

This is the massage for deep tissue lovers. Although pressure can be adjusted from medium to super deep. This treatment includes the option for including cupping therapy or hot stone for no extra charge, along with stretching and focused work with my hands.

60min - $100 75min - $115
90min - $130 120min- $175
A Massage Therapist performing Deep Tissue  Massage with her feet
A Massage Therapist performing Deep Tissue  Massage with her feet


Astrology Readings

A Zodiac Wheel
A Zodiac Wheel

An Astrological Birth Chart Reading is an in-depth, objective exploration of your archetypal mythology, as told by the position of the planets at the moment of your first breath.

A reading helps us gain a higher perspective, allowing us to see our unique individuality, as well as our interconnectedness with both nature and the divine. Astrology readings provide an intimate map to our unique nature, enhancing a deeper connection to our inner nature. Clients typically feel validated, as well as gain clarity on their path.

Readings can be held via Zoom or in person at my office. All readings are recorded and emailed to the client to keep.

Deep Dive Birth Chart Reading:
90min - $100
Annual Forecast Reading: 60min -$75
Let's face it, life can be experienced as painful, stressful and/or traumatic. Our ego tries to protect us with armor to survive life. Unfortunately, living in chronic survival mode leads to a dis-regulated nervous system. When our nervous system is dis-regulated, our body cannot achieve homeostasis. Homeostasis is where healing happens naturally in the body. Regulating our nervous system requires a safe place to "come down", to unwind into the present moment and relax back into the wisdom of the body. Healing touch is proven to facilitate this process. It is my intention to steward a safe environment and nurturing presence for you to unfurl your armor and return to your nature.
green trees on mountain under white clouds during daytime
green trees on mountain under white clouds during daytime

"Marie has a unique ability to give a deep massage with zero pain, make her clients feel completely comfortable and completely rebalanced and relaxed. I don't know how she does it, but we feel extremely lucky we've found the best of the best. She's also kind, sweet, professional and reliable. Don't hesitate to make an appointment!"


"Not only is Marie a professional she is Magic. I have been dealing with headaches for weeks due to compacted discs and trauma to my upper back/neck area. Her Fascia work is incredible. There is no doubt she is in tuned to what your body needs. I highly recommend Marie! And I look forward to my next visit with her."

Happy Clients


I always found massages to be disappointing until I found Marie-- I was constantly fighting to relax. Instead of feeling peaceful, I felt self-conscious amidst pretentious luxury, and awkward about instructing the massage therapist-- "Can you use more pressure?" "No, sorry, less pressure." "Okay, sorry, more pressure, but ouch, not so pokey?"

With Marie, it's just perfection every time. She's the kindest soul, so easy to be with. Without even trying, she makes the whole experience feel cozy, homey, and comfortable. And there's something about the steady, even pressure she's able to provide with her feet that is just right. I know some people are squeamish about feet, but I promise, it's not weird at all. If you like steady, firm pressure, this is for you.

Marie's reiki-infused Ashiatsu massages are transcendent. Somehow they're all about the body, and yet I find myself so relaxed that I slip into a meditative trance state that adds even more depth to the experience. What a gift.


"Best massage ever! She has helped me tremendously. My back was a mess from various physical activities, mainly climbing, I was starting to get headaches and was just in pain all the time. Marie made it all go away and I feel so much better! Highly recommended!!"


"Thank you for the eye-opener astrology reading. It was amazing and you were right on point with everything I've been going through. I was given so much clarity about my path, obstacles, lessons and how to align my life to work for my highest and best. I now look at my life with a wider lens and more confidence."


"Marie’s natural ability and adeptness of craft are obvious in her work. Marie was able to help me make sense of the symbolic nature of my life experience in order to ground me in the present. Marie’s focused sense of practice and amiable nature allowed me to feel more comfortable and open to discuss how her reading connected with me personally. It was an eye-opening experience."

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